
Dow Corning TC-5121 Thermally Conductive Compound

Silicone, RTV, Adhesive/Sealant Grade

Dow Corning


Dow Corning® TC-5121 Thermally Conductive Compound is an excellent thermally conductive solution for medium-power devices. TC-5121 is formulated with an advanced silicone fluid that interacts with thermally conductive filler particles to form a highly stable matrix that helps to prevent pump-out and other common failure mechanisms.

Information provided by Dow Corning

物理性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
比重 g/cc
@Temperature 25.0 °C
@Temperature 77.0 °F
粘度 cP cP Dynamic
热性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
导热系数 W/m-K BTU-in/hr-ft²-°F
Flash Point °C °F
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